Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Apostle Teresa - Weekly Wednesday Night Broadcast
Listen in to the Apostle’s weekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on WOJG (94.7) Radio for a powerful message from God!
Apostle Teresa - Weekly Wednesday Night Broadcast
Listen in to the Apostle’s weekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on WOJG (94.7) Radio for a powerful message from God!
Apostle Teresa - WOJG Wednesday Night Broadcast
Listen in to the Apostle’s weekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on WOJG (94.7) Radio for a powerful message from God!
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Apostle Teresa - WOJG Wednesday Night Broadcast
Listen in to Apostle’s weekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on WOJG (94.7) Radio for a powerful message from God!
Apostle Teresa - WOJG Wednesday Night Broadcast
Listen in to the 30-minute broadcast weekly! Join the Apostle weekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on WOJG (94.7) Radio for a powerful message from God!
Apostle Teresa - WOJG Wednesday Night Broadcast
Listen in to the 30-minute broadcast weekly! Join the Apostle weekly on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on WOJG (94.7) Radio for a powerful message from God!
City of Refuge Prayer Conference Call
All are invited to join the Prayer Conference Call as we pray for the officers and families of the Jackson, TN community.
KingDom Singles Bible Study
Join other singles for this dynamic Bible Study teleconference! You’ll be tremendously blessed!
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
Weekly Monday 6 a.m. Prayer Conference Call
Follow the instructions on the flyer to join in to these powerful prayer sessions on Monday mornings at 6:00 a.m. weekly!
Ministry Merch
Please Visit the Ministry Store Tab at the top of the website to see and purchase available messages, products and merchandise. Thanks for your support!
Weekly Ministry Messages
Please Visit the Ministry Store Tab at the top of the website to see and purchase available messages, products and merchandise. Thanks for your support!
Ministry Featured Messages
By clicking on the Ministry Store Tab at the top of the website, you may purchase this, or any other, ministry messages, products and merchandise. Thank you for your support!
Ministry Featured Messages
By clicking on the Ministry Store Tab at the top of the website, you may purchase this, or any other, ministry messages, products and merchandise. Thank you for your support!
City of Refuge Prayer Conference Call
All are invited to join the Prayer Conference Call as we pray for the officers and families of the Jackson, TN community.
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
City of Refuge Prayer Conference Call
All are invited to join the Prayer Conference Call as we pray for the officers and families of the Jackson, TN community.
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
City of Refuge Prayer Conference Call
All are invited to join the Prayer Conference Call as we pray for the officers and families of the Jackson, TN community.
Women in Ministry Monthly Meeting
Feel free to join us for any WIM (Women in Ministry) Meeting — Second Thursday of each month!
Educators Prayer Conference Call
Please feel free to join us each 2nd Tuesday as we pray for our educators.
First Sunday Worship Service
You’ll be blessed by the service! We look forward to seeing you there!